Zoono Z71 Microbe Shield

Zoono is antimicrobial nanotechnology that uses intelligent molecules to actively and consistently reduce pathogen loads on surfaces by using physics to kill germs instead of chemistry.

The Zoono Microbe Shield product is a revoluonary, highly effecve water­based anmicrobial technology available in a surface sanizer that connuously kills germs for up to 30 days.

This innovave, long­lasng anmicrobial permanently bonds to surfaces on which it is applied. The noncorrosive, nontoxic product lays down a bacteriostac defensive layer that resembles millions of ny “pins” that physically kill germs by puncturing them when they come in contact with the surface. Unlike tradional anmicrobials that only work while they are wet, Zoono starts to work while it is wet but works best once it has dried, offering a connuous germ­killing barrier that protects surfaces and keeps germs from colonizing hundreds of mes longer than typical disinfectant protocols and hygiene regimens.